
Thursday, August 12, 2010

DING DING - Potty time

Ever wonder what goes through your fur baby’s mind when he/she has to go outside for their daily constitutionals and you are …. just way too busy to get up and let them out right now, don’t have a doggie door, etc.  ‘How does my human think I will ever get the hang of letting them know I have to go right now?’  Well, worry no more!  Authentic Poochie-Bells, designer dog doorbell potty training tools, are here to the rescue.  These doorbells are made in the Connecticut of durable materials in over 50 styles to fit your budget and home décor.  Easy-to-follow training instructions are included with each purchase, as well as suggested training method.  Old dogs can learn the method as well as your 10-week old pups.  Poochie-Bells fit over any doorknob, handle or hook, have a pleasant sound, and measure 26” long to enable any breed of dog access.    Poochie-Bells are available from Poochie-Pets ( 

Thuli & Harley sniffing the Poochie Bell out
Thuli give is a try - potty time momma!


nine said...

that's a pretty cool idea! lol... the bells are so cute.. the doggies here are cute, too.. by the way, that rug looks like a circle of grass.. they could just use that as an indoor potty, lol... j/k

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