
Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!  I wanted to share with you a recipe for your pups on this wonderful day of celebration of our men and women fighting for our country.  I know in some areas of the US it's getting hot, try these treats to cool your dog down - Peanut Butter & Banana Dog Ice Cream recipe.

3-4 ripe bananas
32 ounces plain yogurt (I used lowfat)
1 cup peanut butter (organic if you have it)

The ice cream just takes a minute to make.  Toss the bananas, peanut butter, and yogurt into a blender and blend until it's mixed.  Next, pour the mixture into ice trays.  You'll need about 5 or 6 trays for this amount.  (If you don't have that many available, just pour some of the mixture into a plastic zippered bag and toss it in the freezer to break up when you're ready to serve.)  Pop the trays in the freezer and in a few hours your doggie ice cream is ready to serve. 


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